Book: The Bet by Tara Crescent (Menage in Manhattan #1) The Bet (A Menage Romance) (Menage in Manhattan Book 1 ...Betting on Bailey (Playing For Love #1) by Tara Crescent

Last week, I discussed a novella that I thought was a full novel when I got it, dumb me forgot to look at the page count, but fortunately it was a free book on Kindle. Now this week, we are going to be talking about The Bet by Tara Crescent, previously published as Betting on Bailey. Full disclosure… I am absolutely in love with this book! The writing is very good… very detailed to the point where I could feel what was happening, and that my friends is when you know you have been captivated by the author and the world they have created. 

The Bet revolves around a woman named Bailey Moore, who is curvy, needed to put this out there because throughout the story you'll see her get depressed about her physique many times. She is currently an assistant professor at NYU for anthropology and is waiting on tenure. Her current boyfriend, Trevor, is an absolute jerk that doesn’t appreciate her and has only been dating her to use her, using her connections to rub elbows with the elite. She does break it off with Trevor, but with that comes with some hefty repercussions… 

And here is the synopsis for any of you who wanted to read it, straight from Goodreads: 

A rash bet leads to a steamy relationship, but will my unconventional choice be the biggest mistake of my life?

Billionaire CEO Daniel and tattooed bad-boy chef Sebastian bet fifty thousand dollars that I’d win a game of pool, and they offered to coach me...

I wasn’t supposed to want them.

I shouldn’t have become involved with both of them.

But I couldn’t resist.

Then all hell broke loose.

Now the three of us face the loss of everything we’ve worked for our entire lives, and we’re left to ask – can our love survive?

NOTE: The Bet is a standalone ménage novel (mfm) with a HEA ending and no cliffhangers!

The Bet was previously titled Betting on Bailey.


So, the story starts off with Bailey finishing up work to go to see one of Trevor's pool matches he has going on and she ends up getting there late due to her assisting a student. Trevor has a conniption, while checking out other girls and one of his teammates suggest that he and Bailey play a game together. Bailey ends up dreading it, she's horrible at pool and Trevor has tried to teach her but is a terrible teacher. At this point, her anxiety is going through the roof. Sometime during the game, Trevor insults Bailey's weight, saying a comment about her breasts, that completely throws her off and Trevor cleans house and wins. 

It is at this point that she debates breaking up with him, eventually she does, I'm not sure if it was before a Monday drinking reunion or not, but she packs up what she can and leaves. The Monday drinking group has Bailey, Piper, Miki, Katie, Gabby and Wendy. They are Bailey's best friends and they gather every week to catch up on each other's lives. Miki has to Skype to join though, due to the fact that she is residing in Florida with her family. Anyways, Bailey leaves and goes to Piper's apartment, which is where she lived too until she moved out to be with Trevor, so Piper is happy to have her back. 

Bailey gets billed by Trevor for the apartment because she signed a lease and left before the lease was up. He is truly trying to get back at her for breaking up and leaving him, despite that he makes so much money that he could pay rent himself in full every month. Bailey wants revenge and the only thing that would truly hurt Trevor is for her to beat him at his own game that he thinks he's unbeatable at... pool. Gabby hits up someone who has a pool for her to join and this is where the romance and smut begin!

Bailey joins the team, meeting Sebastian, a bad-boy-Michelin-star-level-chef, and Daniel, a big-wig CEO. It's at first sight that these three are all hot and heavy for each other. They offer to teach Bailey how to play pool and bet with the so-called "captain" $50,000 if she wins a tournament match. And so their relationship with each other starts. 


They have various sexual trysts and still go about their own lives throughout the book. You learn more about the characters and even though this is a standalone novel, I really want more. I want to delve into more of their relationship and what happens next kind of thing. The book does have a happy ending, being an HEA and no cliffhanger guarantee. 

Throughout the book, you'll see that the characters call the relationship "unconventional" but it really is just a polyamorous relationship, which I really like. They have a nice healthy relationship, all three of them, without any of them feeling left out or anything of the sort that people tend to worry about when they get into these kind of relationships. 

If I went by my old rating system and wanted to put this on a scale out of 10, I think I would've put this at a full on 10, which is rare for me. This book is extremely enjoyable! Honestly, I could barely put the book down, I just completely devoured it! I love that there i the recurring theme of Bailey putting herself down due to her size because it happens. Sure, some days I feel pretty good about my body, not often but some days, but most of the time I'm making comments about my body and putting myself down because I don't feel beautiful. Yeah, it's easy to listen to others compliment you about how you're beautiful no matter what, but reality is that it's not the commentary of others that people need. I get told I'm beautiful but I can say for a fact that no extremely handsome guy, like Sebastian or Daniel, have ever said anything like that to me, or showed it in ways like they did to Bailey. 

Basically what I'm trying to say is, this is definitely a book catered to what I would love for my reality to be: a gorgeous man, or woman, coming into my life, maybe two someones, sweeping me off my feet and making me feel good about myself. This is a book that lets me have a little hope that maybe I can have a love like in these pages. Also, side note, the sex scenes written are phenomenal! Loved them to the max! While the book was a good majority of sex, I didn't want to focus on just that this entire time. 

This is definitely a book I would recommend if someone if feeling a little insecure and down about their physique, as it is a good pick-me-up. I got so much joy from this book that was grinning ear-to-ear during most of it and had my boyfriend asking me multiple times whether or not I was alright. Sorry about the long rant above... comment down below what you thought of this week's review! This is only the first book in the Menage in Manhattan series and I can guarantee you guys that I will be purchasing and reading them soon enough! Hope you join me again next week!

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