Book: Voyage on the Great Titanic by Ellen Emerson White (Dear America)

Dear America: Voyage on the Great Titanic by Ellen Emerson White

This Dear America book was the first one I had read, completely enamoured with it when I was young due to my interest in history. I was really interested in learning about the Titanic at the time and even though I knew that this was a fictional book, there is some truth to it due to the authors having to research the time periods and events they set their characters in.

The Dear America books are written in a diary/journal type of format, so everything is told in first person point-of-view. This one in particular is written by a little girl named Margaret, actually she is a teenager, who boards the Titanic. 

Also, spoilers ahead! So read at your own risk! Enjoy!


September 13, 2011

It's about this girl, who goes on the Titanic of course, hence the title... She goes on this cruise so that she can go to America... of course. But she meets this steward, a steward is one of those guys that serves you... on cruise, and a stewardess is a girl who serves you on a cruise. Anyway, she and this steward meet on the Titanic, she falls in love with him, he falls in love with her, but when the great Titanic starts to sink, he knows he wasn't gonna make it. So, he gave her... he gave Margaret a letter... that's addressed to his family that's in America. So that she could get off and-- so she would be able to survive and... give the letter to them. So basically, that's how it ends, not really... happy ending for this story. 

He-- it's like the movie Ti--Titanic like, not really... happy ending even though they were in love with each other... Because of what happened with the Titanic, here's the ending, Margaret didn't go on boats ever again 'cause she was scared they would sink. She never... she never lost her Br--British accent, she became extremely fond of coffee, she... refused, yeah she refused to set another foot on a-- set foot on another boat again... she... William! Oh yeah, William was her brother that was in America, who she was going over so that she could live with him. Sister Catherine! Margaret... okay lemme like, try to go to the beginning here, and remember so I can refresh my mind... Margaret, she... she used to live in a church 'cause her brother, William... left her there 'cause he couldn't be able to take care of her himself, 'cause their parents died, when she was like, only a baby. 

So, Sister Catherine took care of Margaret, William went to America to... to... earn money and live there. When he had enough money he sent a letter to Margaret, saying that she should come over and live with him... Oh, she died peacefully in her sleep at ninetee-- in 1994 at the age of 95. 

Let me just say these stories, the Dear America series, are not real, so don't try looking up these people in history, 'cause they are just historical fiction books, stories of what happened in the past but like, kind of twisted around and made up a little bit. 


To be completely honest, I don't remember the plot and story of this book whatsoever, but this review is one of the rare ones that I actually spoiled. Nowadays, at least in the recent years, I like to not give too much of the story away, at least not the BIG plot points. I may reread this book again soon and give a new review for it in the coming weeks, I just found out that it's only $4.99 in the Kindle store and I am a little excited about it.

Side note. Now because I'm old, the old cover is what is featured at the top of this post. Here I'm going to drop the new cover they put out because this is what you will most likely find in bookstores and on e-books nowadays if you are interested in checking out this book yourself!

Dear America: Voyage On The Great Titanic: White, Ellen Emerson ...

Thanks you guys so much for reading! If you are interested, I will be leaving the link below to my original book vlog, of this specific review of course! Hope to see you all join in next week and read what I have to offer next time!

PS. If you guys ever want me to review a specific book that I haven't already or you want me to reread something I already have quicker and get my new thoughts on the novel, you can always gift me books on Kindle! There is a "Buy for Others" feature that Kindle offers, letting you gift a book to someone! Especially with COVID-19 still happening and my local libraries are currently still closed as far as I know, so I am not able to currently check out any books at the moment. Just some food for thought! Thanks so much for your continued support and reading my posts, it means a lot to me.

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