Undergraduate Taster on Day 19 June at 10am

Here at Escape Studios we are hosting an undergraduate Taster Day on Saturday 19th June at 10am

The virtual session will introduce prospective students to the Art of Animation, VFX, and Game Art

Tutors include UG program Leader Michael Davies, Deputy Dean Saint Walker, Head of 3D Mark Spevick, and Games Tutor Christian Avigni.  Taster Days are a great chance to learn about Escape Studios, and find out what our undergraduate degrees are all about.

Undergraduate Taster Day 19 June
On 19 June you will learn how to use Autodesk Maya and get a hands-on introduction to 3D Animation techniques.  No prior knowledge of Maya - or any software - is required.  These free tasters give you a working introduction to the art of Animation, VFX, and Game Art, exploring what it’s like to work as a professional digital artist.

Escape Method
The Escape Method is how we teach at Escape Studios; it's a well-proven system of intensive personal tuition in 3D character and creature animation, combined with online support at our Vimeo Tutorial Channel, industry feedback, and a strong focus on employability in the expanding animation and visual effects industry.

Animation Success Stories
To see some of our recent success stories, follow this link.  And to see more about what our students are capable of, watch our demo reel below:

When and where
This free online Animation Taster takes place online at Escape Studios via Zoom on 19 June 2021.

Book online 
To book your free place, follow this link. 

Short Course and Masters' Degree Taster Days
The Escape Studios Animation Blog offers a personal view on the art of animation and visual effects. To apply for our BA/MArt in 3D Animation, follow this link.  To apply for our storyboarding evening class, visit this page here.  For the next 12 week animation course, click here.

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